Watch at 世界银行指出,2023年,全世界将会迎来经济衰退,与此同时,大马也迎来新的政府。在这样的大环境下,做生意的伙伴们究竟该如何布局?如何洞察商机?如何更稳妥地进行商业安排来面对未来的不确定性? 隆重介绍!CITYPlus 2023商业论坛:启动和冲刺,让CITYPlus带你一起在起伏波动的时局冲刺商业。 这次的商业论坛,我们将会与8TV及8FM联手合作,于Setia International Centre进行! 很多人都说“危机就是转机”,但要如何把危机转换为机会也是一门重要的经商学问,参加CITYPlus 2023年商业论坛,提前掌握资本布局、未来经济走势,让你在2023经商顺利! World Bank warned of a rising risk of a global recession in 2023, and at the same time, Malaysia ushered into a new era of governance. With the rising risk locally and globally, what would be the economic and business outlook in 2023? How should small and medium businesses change their business tactics to continue to grow in a declining economy? We invite you to join our "CITYPlus Business Outlook Forum 2023" event to discuss the future business outlook and learn a few business tactics to manoeuvre the difficulties…