《Huawei's new OS name "Hongmeng" with secretive significance!》
"鸿蒙" 两字里原来暗藏玄机! !
Master Kenny Hoo of Good Feng Shui elaborates the "secretive" meaning and significance behind the new, unique name of smartphone OS by Huaiwei, "Hongmeng".
It is not just another name simply picked or created by Huawei. It actually carries great, revolutionary message and vision, for a better world, for all!
~ Specially compiled and delivered by Master Kenny Hoo 好风水许鸿方 @ Radio BFM (2019 June 14):
#BFM #RadioBFM #BFM商业电台
#华为 #HUAWEI #鸿蒙 #Hongmeng
#Android #ByeByeAndroid #2019
#好風水 #好风水 #许鸿方 #KennyHoo
更多资料可浏览 www.GoodFengShui.com ,www.好风水.com email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
欲知更多,请浏览 https://www.bfm.my/podcast/evening-edition/evening-edition/huawei-trademarks-hongmeng